Friday, June 20, 2014

Smash Patriarchy

What is patriarchy?

Patriarchy is an ideology that has existed for many years throughout history. It manifests itself in different ways dependent on the economic system. Capitalism is an economic system where monetary gains and machinery production belongs to a small group. Many people work for this group and can only survive by selling their labor power. The general ideology of patriarchy is about power and control; it benefits the masculine gender, giving less equality to women. In the capitalist system the patriarchal ideology is expressed by the following ways:
The gender-female / female is related as an object.
-The domestic labor is exploited because no work is created in the system.
The patriarchal state commits femicide, eraticating women to maintain order with the ideology and to stop the overcoming of women.
-At the same time, men are damaged by the system through a dominant hierarchy. Institutions like the police, the military, and the government criminalize men of color and working class.

The current context of multiple crises has shown that today more than ever, the terrible sexual and racial economic inequality, gender, interact and interrelate, giving rise to new patterns of structural impoverishment affecting women worldwide ( Intersecting oppressions, Central America Women's Network)

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